I Need advice on Long-Term Investment Strategies

Hey guys… :innocent:

I am reaching out to the community for insights and advice regarding long-term investment strategies, particularly in the current market landscape.

As someone who is relatively new to investing, I’ve been trying to build a portfolio that focuses on stability and growth over the long term. However, with the ever-changing market conditions and economic uncertainties, I find it challenging to determine the best approach.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what factors you consider when selecting stocks or funds for long-term investment. Do you prioritize dividend-paying stocks, growth potential, or a mix of both? Additionally, how do you balance risk and return, especially in volatile market situations?

Furthermore I am particularly interested in any specific sectors or industries that you believe are poised for growth in the coming years. Are there any trends or emerging markets that you think investors should keep an eye on?

I also check this: https://forum.inderes.se/t/hexagon-a-global-leader-in-digital-twin-technologiesokta But I have not found any solution. Could anyone guide me about this? Lastly if you have any recommended resources, whether books, articles, or podcasts, that provide valuable insights into long-term investing, I would greatly appreciate your suggestions.

Thank you so much!

Respected community member! :blush:

5 gillningar

Hi there and a warm welcome to the forum :heavy_heart_exclamation:

This is a place where we share our thoughts and reflections on the subject on investments, both generally speaking as well as in detail, ie: you are welcome to discuss everything from specific companies or the macroenvironment in general.

We also share a lot of the content we produce at Inderes (especially us who work here), but also content from other sources, like the companies we follow or other content, produced by other content creators or companies. Please feel free to do the same :smiley: - as long as you know the information is ok to share, aka it is public and open. Own thoughts and opinions are of course always welcome.

:fire: The best part of the forum, in my opinion, is the possibility to tag our own analysts covering specific firms.

As an example : if you are interested in Hexagon, you can find all the latest information published on our own website here: Hexagon - Inderes (or any other company by typing the name of the company i the search field) . If you ie read the latest research about it:

ie: you download and read the report (marked in yellow) and based on what you have read, you have specific questions regarding that company, it is possible to tag the analyst, in this case @pauli.lohi if you wish him to take part in the conversation or clarify something regarding the research.

The best way to do this, (and - in order to keep the informationflow somewhat possible to overview), is to ask these company specific questions in the threads for that specific company (as in Hexagon’s case, this one:

:star: the same goes for Inderes: it is possible to reach out to our own ceo @mikaelrautanen by tagging him with a specific question in this thread :

  • If there is no existing thread of a company you, yourself has interest in, feel free to start one anytime! You might even find that others might be interested in the same company as well.
    :books: feel free to take part in the discusssion about books, depending on which language you prefer to read in, this thread will give you some food for thought: Investing books
  • Also other threads with a wide range of topics can certainly give inspiration: feel free to join the all :grinning! Inspiration grows as it is shared.

-If you are looking for specific investment advice and strategies for your own personal finances, it it is not a service provided by Inderes. We still hope you can find information and inspiration on your journey. From all of us: Welcome!

2 gillningar

Här är några av mina egna tankar. :slight_smile:

Vid långsiktiga investeringar kan man följa trender på längre sikt och företag som har kvalitet och starka konkurrensfördelar. Jag tror att en kombination kan passa vissa, där portföljen innehåller olika typer av aktörer, till exempel utdelningsbolag som kan erbjuda stabilitet och kontinuerlig avkastning, medan tillväxtföretag kan öka portföljens värde på lång sikt.

Utdelningsbolag kan erbjuda stabilitet och kontinuerlig avkastning, medan tillväxtföretag kan öka portföljens värde på lång sikt.

Inderes är den bästa informationskällan för mig. Det är värt att noggrant bekanta sig med deras material. :slight_smile:

I min portfölj finns: