Investerarnas kafferum

Greetings fellow investors,

I have been in Sweden for a week now, so I thought it might be time to write something about my experience so far. These are far from scientific and probably relevant to no one particular, but here we go anyway. I’m probably forgetting a lot, but at least I’m making an effort.

First couple of days were spent just to get settled in, which isn’t quite that simple with a small child. But it’s pretty much done now, and we are moving along. Next it was important to find myself to the office, which was easy when the metro was working. When it wasn’t working one day, the whole transportation system was a mess. Brings me back to my days in London, where the tube was wonderful - expect when it wasn’t working. But I don’t need the Google Maps anymore to find here, so progress is being made :wink:

So what have I accomplished so far?

  • I have met a lot of people here, which is always nice. It’s always good to try to know the people you’re working with, and after all, this is a people business.
  • We have been tackling some analytical problems, where I have been a good listener and not so great at solving the problems. Trying to be supportive anyway :blush:
  • I have reached out to some of the companies that I cover and have significant business in Sweden. Naturally I’m trying to meet the local management and improve my analysis that way during my stay here. Local insights might be valuable one day. First meeting is in the calendar, at least some movement here :ok_hand:
  • I have also reached out to some Swedish companies that I’m interested in. Well, only one so far, but hoping to improve soon. It’s always good to discuss with peers and competitors if one has a chance. Plenty to improve here! :eyes:
  • I haven’t had time to investigate interesting investments opportunities so far, but hopefully I’ll find something during my stay… :no_entry:
  • Naturally I have done my normal work as an analyst in the Finnish companies, and I have tried to develop another “product concept” but this one will take time.
  • “As a family” we managed to visit Skansen during the weekend. It was nice until the little one got tired and hungry. Then it wasn’t fun anymore, but everyone has recovered. Stockholm is a nice city in general. :sunglasses:

The main event so far was still closer to home: Sotkamon Jymy, my hometown Finnish baseball team, was playing in the finals during the weekend against Tampere. Despite being underdogs in the finals, Sotkamo managed to win both games and is leading the series 2-0 :facepunch: It’s best out of 5, so one more win and we would be the champions again. For some reason I didn’t see this in the Swedish press, but nevermind… :man_shrugging:

It was a busy week - and I have pretty much nothing to show for it. But good things take time, and a new week is already on its way. :running_man:

18 gillningar