Inderes as an investment - CEO Q&A

Ditt svar på svenska var alldeles utmärkt @mikaelrautanen :gem:!!

Väldigt högt uppe på önskelistan framöver: mera svenska : pratat och skrivet av Mikael :star_struck: :partying_face:!!

Personligen är- och kommer alltid min åsikt att vara: vill man nå ut till någon, då skall det göras på det språk personen ifråga talar, tänker och fattar beslut på, i den frågan/kring det ämnet. För fler/mångspråkiga kan detta innebära olika språk, beroende på objektet, dvs “vad man vill sälja in”. Även ordlöst språk kan komma i fråga; för en hantverkare är framställningen på den potentiella köparens modersmål av mindre vikt - resultatet av hantverket i sig lär tala sitt tydliga (ordlösa) språk.

Alla ekonomer, mig själv inräknad, vill alltid lyfta fram teorin om “den rationella och effektiva beslutsfattaren”. En sak kan man inte bortse från, (även som ekonom): “känslan” måste vara rätt. :heart: :at måste finnas med - oberoende av språk!

Med det sagt: hur friar man bäst till svenskspråkiga privatinvesterare?

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The year is off to first revenue report! January-February sales grew by 6 %. Growth driven mainly by IR Software and Sweden.

Latest SEB research update:

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SEB har gjort en ny analys av Inderes. :slight_smile:

We expect a broadly flat performance by Inderes in Q1, with the timing of Easter causing headwinds in March. The investment case and long-term growth still rely on expansion in Sweden, but we think group growth in 2024 will continue to be driven by the Finnish operations, with AGM services and IR software as key contributors. On unchanged estimates, our fair value range is EUR 18-20 (from EUR 18-19 previously).

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Board of Directors Q&A from Inderes’ AGM which was held last week! :blush:

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We published our Q1 report earlier today. As our revenue was essentially flat year over year in a difficult market environment it would be interesting to hear from @mikaelrautanen what do you think needs to happen for the market environment to turn more favourable. Any certain forward-looking indicators worth keeping an eye on? :eyes:

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Här är SEB:s analys av Inderes. :slight_smile:

Inderes delivered a Q1 report well in line with our estimates. Rounded off, sales were a notch higher than our estimate, while EBITA missed by tens of thousands of euros. The number of commissioned research contracts was also in line. Guidance was reiterated and we flag that sales growth should pick up from Q2 as AGM season was more skewed towards Q2 this year. All in all, we expect a neutral reaction and at first glance believe that estimate revisions should be small.

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Sure let’s speculate :slight_smile: Rule of thumb: when our clients (publicly listed companies) are doing better, then doing business with them is always easier. Then obviously the IPO vs. buyout activity defines if we are operating in a declining or growing market. It’s a totally different game right now to operate (with a growth strategy) in a declining market vs 3 years ago, but that’s the nature of the market. I expect IPO activity to first pick up in Sweden starting this year and then Finland following. Then on the community side, when stonks are rising it’s also always more fun to build the community. But that’s also the nature of the market. One industry veteran once said analysts are paid for taking all the yelling when stocks decline but not sure if I agree :smiley:

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Here’s my Q1 presentation hosted by the awesome n1 Danish equity market commentator Michael Friis

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April sales up by 33 %. A good month with tailwind from AGM timings. SEB report: Inderes Group - April sales up 33%, beats our estimate by 10% - SEB

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Inderes bygger en nordisk tillväxtsaga på en stark hemmamarknad. Expansionen i Sverige, speciellt inom event och årsstämmor, underlättas av förvärv inom den svenska IR-marknaden, men forskning kräver bredare investerartäckning. Sverige erbjuder stor långsiktig potential, även om resultatet är osäkert. Den svenska marknaden är cirka fyra gånger större än den finska, vilket innebär betydande tillväxtmöjligheter. Inderes rättvisa värderingsintervall har justerats till 19-20 euro. Framsteg i Sverige är nyckeln till bolagets värdering.

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Here are SEB’s thoughts on Inderes’ May. :slight_smile:

Inderes continued better-than-expected sales performance in May with monthly sales up 15% y/y. The May sales of EUR 1.9m topped our estimate of EUR 1.7m with a clear margin. While we note that timing of couple of larger events may have relatively large impact we read that the momentum on software side has continued strong. As software sales are recurring the healthy topline momentum could continue also in June which is seasonally low month.

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All our releases will now be published also in English :handshake:

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Här är en analys av Inderes. :slight_smile:

We increase our fair value range ahead of Inderes’s Q2 report. Our take from recent months is that the company has continued to grow in AGM and IR software. However, due to high market penetration in Finland, the long-term value creation opportunity lies in Sweden, where the steps are still relatively small and the future is more uncertain. We raise our 2024-26 EBITDA estimates by 7-8%.