Gofore - finska IT-konsult stjärnan

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Gofore’s revenue was already known for Q2 and amounted to 48.0 MEUR, up 1% year-on-year. Organically, revenue decreased by 3%. Intense price competition limited growth opportunities as the company has not been willing to sacrifice too much on profitability. This is positive for the long term, as otherwise the quality of the order book would continue to deteriorate and it would take longer to return to growth when the market situation improves. Gofore’s adjusted EBITA increased by 13% to 6.1 MEUR but missed our forecast. This corresponds to a satisfactory/good EBITA margin of 12.7% for the company under the circumstances, but at the very top end of the sector. We forecast organic revenue development of -1% and and a slight decline in EBITA-% to 13.8% in 2024. Profitability is weighed down by the negative equation of customer prices and wage inflation. Q2 company update on Gofore is available here (in Finnish).

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