Qt - An exciting technology company

Why Qt is an attractive investment:

  1. Strong market position and scalable business model: Qt has established a strong foothold in the market for embedded systems development tools. Its products enhance customer product development and user experience while being lightweight and scalable, supporting steady cash flow and profitable growth.
  2. Expansion into a diversified product company and growth potential: Qt aims to expand its offerings into a diversified product company, opening new growth opportunities through expanding current customer bases and entering new markets. The company’s strategic growth targets (20-30% annual revenue growth, EBITA% over 25%) seem realistic, given strong demand for developer licenses.

Why Qt may not be an attractive investment:

  1. Valuation level: Despite strong business growth, Qt’s stock valuation is high. For instance, the forecasted EV/EBIT multiple (28x-17x) may appear elevated to many investors, compromising the risk-return ratio. There are risks associated with a potential decline in valuation, especially if growth does not meet market expectations.
  2. Uncertainty in growth: While near-term growth prospects appear promising, the pace of Qt’s growth could be uncertain. This could result from shifts in market trends or competitive pressures in the embedded systems market. Furthermore, acquisitions, which could drive growth, are inherently risky and could adversely affect the company’s financial position and strategy execution.

In summary, Qt offers stable growth and a strong market position in embedded systems development tools. However, investors should carefully consider the high valuation and growth uncertainties before making investment decisions.