Biohit: Medicinteknik företag med ingredienser för en vändning

This article contains analyst comments regarding the first quarter. :slight_smile:

2 gillningar

I fredags meddelade Biohit att de kommer att förändra sin organisation för att stärka företagets strategiska och operativa prestation inom forskning och utveckling. Och här är en analytikers tankar om detta. :slight_smile:

2 gillningar

Biohits framtidsutsikter splittrade - tillväxt men också osäkerhet :open_mouth:

Biohits verksamhet har varierat under de senaste åren. Även om omsättningen har ökat måttligt har den länge varit förlustbringande. År 2022 vände rörelseresultatet till vinst, men detta berodde delvis på effektivisering av verksamheten och är inte nödvändigtvis en permanent trend.

Bolagets produktportfölj är föråldrad och inga betydande nya produkter har lanserats på marknaden. Detta kan försämra Biohits konkurrenskraft i framtiden. Nya versioner av GastroPanel®-produktfamiljen är inte tillräckliga för att behålla konkurrensfördelen. Misslyckanden med utvecklingen av nya produkter kan äventyra bolagets långsiktiga framgång.

Biohits strategi fokuserar på mag-tarmkanalens diagnostik. Konkurrenter har dock liknande lösningar, så bolagets framgång beror i hög grad på framgångsrika nya innovationer.

Ur investerarens synvinkel är Biohits framtidsutsikter osäkra. Bolagets balansräkning är stark, men dess långsiktiga tillväxt och lönsamhet beror på framgångsrik produktutveckling. Den nya vd:n har haft en positiv inverkan, men stigande kostnader kan försämra lönsamheten. Begränsade resurser jämfört med konkurrenter ökar också riskerna.

Biohits aktie är inte dyr, men den är förknippad med hög risk. Bolagets lilla storlek och osäkerheten om resultattrendens hållbarhet ökar riskerna för investerare. Tillväxten kan bli lägre än förväntat och stigande kostnader och osäkerheter kan ha en negativ inverkan på bolagets resultat.

Ta inte alltför allvarligt på det, jag är bara en vanlig investerare. :wink:

Nedan är en analytikers skrivelse om Biohits senaste uppdateringar. :slight_smile:

Biohit that reports semi-annually does not publish business reviews for Q1 and Q3, but the company reports on its progress on the IR blog. The Q3 blog did not comment on progress against financial targets this time, so we expect the business to have continued to operate within the guidance range of 15-20% growth. The company said it is working on a major market launch that, if successful, could bring sales from mid-2025. The FDA approval project is also proceeding according to plan and the company is seeking a marketing authorization in the United States in 2026.

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Biohit sänkte sin omsättningsprognos för 2024, men samtidigt överträffade lönsamheten förväntningarna. Minskningen i omsättning beror på att leveranser har flyttats från slutet av året till 2025. Den nya prognosen (14,1–14,4 MEUR) är lägre än den tidigare, men rörelsemarginalen (16–18 %) har höjts, vilket tyder på ett starkt slut på året. Trots leveransförseningarna överträffar lönsamheten tidigare förväntningar. Utsikterna är fortfarande osäkra, men situationen klarnar i årsredovisningen. :slight_smile:

Här är en ny analys av Biohit. :slight_smile:

Biohit issued a profit warning related to revenue, but despite this, the new 2024 earnings guidance (EBIT percentage 16-18%) clearly exceeded our expectations. Biohit’s profitability fluctuates, so we do not expect profitability to reach the very strong H2’24 level in the future. However, we raise our earnings forecasts moderately for the coming years based on the strong performance. The return/risk ratio of the stock that we already consider attractive improves another notch, so we raise our recommendation to Buy (was Accumulate) and raise the target price to EUR 2.9 (was 2.7).



Approval of Biohit’s GastroPanel® test for use by the British National Health Service (NHS) takes a major step forward

Biohit Oyj Press release 8 January 2025 at 10.30 am local time (EEST)

A study conducted by a British university hospital confirms the diagnostic accuracy of Biohit’s GastroPanel® test. In the clinical study, the London-based Homerton University Hospital measured the accuracy of the GastroPanel® test in identifying the risk conditions of gastric cancer in patients with upper abdominal complaints. The results confirm the reliability of the GastroPanel® test in screening for gastric cancer risk. The test, which is performed on a blood sample, disclosed the patients at a high risk of gastric cancer and requiring further examinations from those with a healthy stomach with >90% accuracy.

This clinical validation study of the GastroPanel® test conducted by Homerton University Hospital is the first of its kind in the UK. The study result is an important breakthrough for the test to be introduced by the British National Health Service (NHS). The use of the test would reduce the need for expensive and painful gastrointestinal endoscopic examinations and provide the patient with a preliminary diagnosis quickly. Currently, endoscopy services in the UK are overburdened and their need is predicted to increase sharply over the next five years.

“The GastroPanel® test serves the needs of both patients and healthcare organisations. The rapid identification of gastric cancer risk conditions is important in terms of prevention and effective treatment. With the GastroPanel® test, the patient receives information about their situation quickly and non-invasively, and the test is significantly less expensive for healthcare than an endoscopy. We hope that the approval of the GastroPanel® test will now move forward in the UK,” Biohit CEO Jussi Hahtela says.

Biohit’s CTO Panu Hendolin is delighted about the completion of the new clinical study. “The British Society of Gastroenterology recommends screening patients at risk of gastric cancer by using a non-invasive test instead of invasive endoscopy, and the GastroPanel® test meets this need perfectly. The study conducted at Homerton Hospital involved 324 patients and its results are very similar to those of the previously published studies in other countries, so the diagnostic accuracy of the test has been confirmed several times over. The results of the study have recently been published in a British scientific journal

Biohit’s GastroPanel® test demonstrated over 90% accuracy in identifying patients at risk of gastric cancer, confirming results from previous studies. The study conducted at Homerton Hospital may facilitate the test’s adoption in the UK NHS, supporting Biohit’s target of 15–20% annual growth.

Here are the analyst’s comments on this positive news.

Here is a high-quality, comprehensive, and easy-to-read analysis/report on this company in a very interesting “situation.” :slight_smile:

Biohit is focused on diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract and health-promoting products. The company has achieved a successful turnaround and is targeting strong growth of 15-20% over the 2024-28 strategy period. We expect the company’s earnings to continue to grow in the coming years, supported by the development of new markets and the introduction of new products.


Here is a fresh comment from an analyst regarding yesterday’s “news.” :slight_smile:

Biohit announced on Thursday that it has signed a distribution agreement with Biomedal for the distribution of celiac disease diagnostic tests in selected European countries. The distribution agreement complements Biohit’s product portfolio, which already includes a quick test for celiac disease. We expect modest revenues from the distribution agreement and the news is in line with our strong growth projections.