Admicom - SaaS effektivering för byggnadsbranschen

En fråga hann vi inte ställa i Q&A men Petri svarade på den efteråt :point_down:

Q : What do you see as a competitive point for your employees working at Admicom?

A (from CEO Petri Kairinen):

Good question! I understand the question as why do people wish to work at Admicom, and what is our employee promise for new employees.

I would start with our purpose of Building the sustainable future together - this means that many of our people do wish to make an impact on the construction industry by making it more productive, sustainable and quality oriented. Our way of impacting this is of course very widely distributed software solutions, that actually reach and affect lot of construction and building ecosystem. In this regard there are very few Finnish companies that can offer the same reach and possibilities.

From employer side, Admicom has a very long tradition of developing our people and offering job transfer and circulation. This is the tradition we have now also nailed as our core employee promise: developing our people and offering them a chance of learning and advancing their skills in a modernly-lead environment - that will also soon offer international flavour.

The company culture is also quite warm and welcoming, we care for each other and help together for common goals. This is visible in high employee satisfaction scores.

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